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Roller Coaster

Roller coaster for toddlers - Info

The physics of roller coaster rides are based on the laws of classical physics or Newtons laws of motion.


Imagine a roller coaster that goes upside down with the head pointed downwards. We all know that if we try to hang ourselves upside down we will fall down. Then why do we not fall when the roller coaster goes upside down?. There are two forces, one is the force of gravity that would pull the body downwards, and there is an opposing force caused by the rotation of the coaster that balances the downward pull due to gravity.check out this  this is the best roller coaster more info.

Similarly roller coasters are not propelled by an external force when they go upwards. When a coaster travels upwards it has to travel against gravity that would pull it down. But the coaster does not use any motors or any fuel to propel it upwards against the gravitational force. In fact when the roller coaster travels downwards it gains speed by virtue of the free fall. When it is at its lowest point there is enough energy that it gains via its natural downward motion, that it completes the upward segment without any further external force supply such as a motor or burning fuel. In other words the kinetic energy of motion at the lowest point is sufficient for it to exceed the potential energy at the highest point. In fact Initial velocity needs to be carefully set so that the kinetic energy of the motion at the lowest point due to the free fall from the highest point provides enough energy to complete the next semi circular path back to the highest point where once again it would fall freely and so on and so forth.

The beauty of the roller coaster is that it follows natural laws of classical motion. Only initially some external force needs to be supplied, after those only natural laws of motion prevail.


The author is a dual master of science by research in Information Technology and Industrial Engineering. He has worked for many years in leading IT Services firms worldwide. He writes on academic theory, IT services, and cricket and current affairs.

Although this toy might not look like much to an adult, to a small child it offers the same thrills that a full size roller coaster offers to a grown up. It's made from sturdy plastic and the track is a full ten feet long. The colors are bright yellow, orange, green and purple which studies show are more stimulating to young minds than pastel colors. The highest part of the roller coaster features a little step stool so that he or she can safely mount the car. All of the track pieces lock into place to ensure that it won't come apart from frequent use. The car itself has a high back and features a handrail at the front to ensure that your child is secure. What's nice is that if your child gets tired of riding the coaster, the little car makes a nice ride on toy all by itself.

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